French Horn

Welcome John Little to our Faculty!

John Little  received the M.M. , and B.A. degrees from the University of Louisville , studied horn performance at The New School of Music in Philadelphia, Studied hand horn, and Baroque horn performance at Indiana University/Bloomington, and studied liberal arts at Haverford College. Mr. Little enjoys both teaching, and performing, and maintains a busy schedule of both. In the past he has served as Adjunct Professor of Horn at Centre College, Instructor of horn, and Music Theory at the University of Louisville Community Music Program, horn Instructor at the Settlement Music School of Philadelphia, and gives masterclasses on both the hand horn, and modern horn throughout the country. Mr Little has served as the Band Director for Sacred Heart Schools, and the Jackson Independent School System. Mr. Little is published on the subject of “Teaching the student with Aspergers”. His former students have won positions in the  orchestras of Louisville  Chicago Civic Orchestra, Annapolis Symphony,Santiago(Chile),and Richmond(Va).

In the performance world Mr. Little has been a member of the Starlight Horn Duo for two years, touring, and recording, as well as performing with the Orchestra Society of Philadelphia, Owensboro Symphony, Paducah Philharmonic, Derby Dinner Theater Pit Orchestra, Iroquois Show Pit Orchestra, Three Amigos Hand Horn Trio, and is an active soloist. He has appeared as guest soloist with the Kentuckiana Philharmonic, Jewish Community Center Orchestra, Christian Academy Wind Ensemble, been a featured artist at the conferences of the Kentucky Music Educators Association, Kentucky Music Teachers Association, Southern Indiana Organist Guild, Northeast Horn Workshop (Plattsburgh, New York), and the Ohio University Horn Festival. Mr. Little has recently been placed on the roster of performing artists with the Mozart for Munchkins series in New York, and San Francisco. He may be heard on “Blasts of Brass”, the cd.